I wish to share a magical
healing space with you,
with a forest goddess
to beckon the earth's energies
and to speed your path to wholeness.
~Marv Lyons
Artist, Friend, Client
and founder of EarthTHRIVE Initiative
“I had a most horrid neck pain that seemed to have happened just by moving my head in a simple way, but caused me to almost pass out a couple of times when trying to stretch it out. I saw my chiropractor, which helped a little. For some reason going to Jackie didn't enter my mind since I was seeing her for overall maintenance of my health and I didn't have anything acute I saw her on before. Well, through a mutual friend she heard about my neck, called me and told me to come in. This was the best treatment for my neck, with her acupuncture treatment I was able to move my neck with about 95% of the intense pain gone (instantly!) and with the herbs she prescribed, consistent care on my part, and a couple more treatments my neck was in fine shape. I know through Jackie's compassion for her patients, her knowledge and intuition as an acupuncturist and healing abilities on the spirit she was able to help my body rid itself of the pain it was feeling. I love going to her office for treatments, the atmosphere is calming and I know my body, mind and spirit will experience the renewal it needs to keep living healthy. I have intentions of having Jackie be a part of my overall health and injury care the rest of my life! She is my primary care doctor by choice. I discuss all of my health ideas and concerns with her.”
~Tanya P.
"I was referred to Jackie Bensinger in January 2006, and I was apprehensive to have acupuncture, to say the least. The warm office atmosphere and her calm demeanor put me at ease immediately. I was impressed how she could ask questions and through fact-finding determine which patterns of acupuncture to apply and also utilize her vast knowledge of Chinese herbs and nutritional guidance to heal me. I was treated for two separate health issues (as well as minor aches and pains) and through Jackie’s expertise and caring, I am feeling positive about my life once again. I am so pleased with the results that I purchased a holiday gift certificate for my husband to see Jackie as well. I have decided to continue my appointments twice a month in order to maintain the benefits of a higher immune system, appropriate diet and the continuous overall good feeling I achieve after each session with Jackie."
~Jyl M.
"The treatment that I received from Jackie Bensinger was outstanding. I began seeing her for morning/all day sickness after over a month of complete agony, and was pleasantly surprised to find out how beneficial acupuncture really was. After one treatment, the change was substantial. From there, it just got better and better until I actually felt like myself again. Her vast knowledge and expertise are second only to her kind spirit. I felt at home immediately upon entering her beautiful office, and looked forward to each and every appointment."
~Stacy C.
"I am an 81 year old woman who has suffered from extreme back pain since early 1990s. There are many different situations with my back causing the pain, and orthopedic surgeons say that surgery is not recommended. My pain management doctor has tried every procedure there is as well as all narcotic pain medications on the market, all to no avail. They have only taken the edge off of the pain and made me feel like a "walking zombie" and sleepy all of the time. I was willing to try anything, so asked my doctor if I could try acupuncture. I was sent to Jackie Bensinger,L.Ac. and the relief I received after only two treatments was amazing...Dr. Bensinger is a very knowledgeable, caring and gentle person who really knows how to help people."
~Patricia S.
"I had the misfortune of developing a severe case of sciatica caused after straining my hip muscle. I was diagnosed with Piriformis Syndrome by my doctor, who gave me anti-inflammatories (which helped initially) and sent me to physical therapy. The physical therapist was one whom I had received great results from for a previous injury. Unfortunately, my condition became worse and worse. The physical therapy was of no help at all. In fact, it made it worse. The drugs were not working either, as the sciatica took hold, gripping my body with intense and debilitating pain. This went on for several months. The doctor's solution was to finally get an x-ray, and when that showed no damage, he point-blank told me 'There is nothing more we can do for you.'
Cast away by Western medicine, things looked grim, hopeless and depressing. I was desperate for help. I was considering acupuncture, and when a friend of my wife's heard of my plight and recommended I try it from Jackie Bensinger at Vibrational Healing Arts, I jumped at the chance to try a new direction. After my first treatment from Jackie, I know I limped out of the office (to the horror of waiting patients), but later that night, I realized the first relief from the severe pain in nearly three months. I knew the acupuncture was working. As much as the relief from pain, I had new hope that something could be done about my condition. Several days later, my pain was coming back, and I received my second treatment. Late the next morning, the pain was diminishing again. I knew I had the sciatica on the run, and that I was going to be better. From the second treatment on, I never looked back. It was a relief and a weight off my shoulders that I shall never forget. I continued to improve quickly and continued treatment.
I began to realize that after about a month of acupuncture, other things were happening as side benefits. Older aches and pain were gone. I had better overall health and new mental clarity. Clearly, acupuncture was working for me in many ways. It gave me relief, a new hope and a cure for a very bad situation that was going nowhere and getting worse by the day.
My experience is probably only one of many. When I think of all the people out there living in pain, and my own situation where I suffered needlessly under the watch of Western medicine, it makes me angry that the world is not more informed about the practical benefits of acupuncture, especially as practiced by Jackie Bensinger at Vibrational Healing Arts. Jackie is wonderful to work with. She is extremely professional, knowledgeable and dedicated to the healing arts and acupuncture in particular. She provides a peaceful and healing environment that puts people at ease. The treatment actually becomes enjoyable, much to the surprise of those, like myself, who are not fond of needles. Besides curing specific pain issues, I have found peripheral benefits from Jackie's acupuncture methods that make me believe that this is a treatment which can help people with their health for a lifetime. As I write this, there is no doubt that I would still be suffering from my condition had I not had the fortune of being referred to Jackie Bensinger. She gets my highest praise for her work, the wonderful environment she has created at her office and her continuing efforts to help people know the alternatives to Western medicine that can really help people in need."
~Bob B.
"After chemo, surgery and radiation treatments, I began hormone therapy. That's when my post- cancer treatment fatigue really set in. I decided to try acupuncture, found Jackie Bensinger through word-of-mouth and was blown away by the immediate results. A year later, I am still seeing her on a regular basis. In addition to drastically reducing my fatigue, she has knocked out various other ailments that have cropped up, including tension headaches. I feel that my treatment at Vibrational Healing Arts has benefited me on numerous levels, both physically and emotionally, and I would not hesitate to recommend Jackie to anyone who is working their way back to health after a serious illness.”
~Elizabeth M.
"I’ve been suffering with headaches for most of my life. I’ve had headaches from the time I was a small child. I was seen by many doctors, had many test, CT scans, and MRI’s that have always been “normal.” As I got older my headaches got worse to the point where I was having one almost daily and I was living on over-the-counter pain medicine. It wasn’t until I was in my mid 20s that I finally had enough and went to see a neurologist; it was then that I was diagnosed with migraines. I went through a period of two or three years on different types of medicines ranging from Effexor, Prozac, and Depakote, just to name a few. My doctor and I thought we found a combination of pills that worked for me, but after a while, those medicines didn’t seem to be helping enough for me to want to keep taking them. On top of the pills we had started Botox injections every 3 months, which also seemed to help somewhat. After about six months to a year of the Botox, we stopped the oral meds all together to see if just the Botox would take care of things. It was kind of working, but I was still having migraines at least twice a week. I asked my neurologist what she thought about acupuncture, she said that she would be happy to send in a referral for me if I wanted to try it. I am SO thankful that I had her do that. I’ve now been seeing Jackie for over a year and I couldn’t be happier! My migraines have been reduced to one or two a month! That’s a far cry from the eight to sixteen I was having monthly. Jackie is absolutely great at what she does, and I am thankful to have found her!"
~Mandy B.
"Honestly, I wasn’t sure that acupuncture would be of any value. I’ve got a couple of hard core, long- term issues: damage to both knees in an auto accident, which caused persistent low level pain, and in addition, spinal stenosis – the nerves laced through my lower vertebrae were severely pinched, resulting in lost feeling in legs, feet and toes. Balance has been difficult, as has walking. Frankly, healing has been slow. But. I am healing. Knee pain has left, balance has improved.
And Jackie. I have never known a healer with such patience, dedication, care, concern for my well being, as well as an exploring mind for new herbs and modalities. Did I mention kindness?
And, well, she also regularly reminds me to take better care of myself.
Of course I would recommend her to a friend."
~Marv L.
"The only reason I'm walking is this wonderful lady! I'm so grateful! And she is a terrific friend."
~ B.L.
"I have had 3 lumbar surgeries, and in Feb 2008 I thought I was on my way to a 4th. I suffered with severe pain for 3 days, afraid to call my doctor/surgeon knowing he would order an MRI and I would most probably be back in surgery. I was referred to Jackie Bensinger and called her instead. Having never had acupuncture I wasn't sure what to expect. I am amazed at the results. I got noticeable relief within a few sessions and within 4 months am nearly without any discomfort. My life is getting back to normal and I can sleep and work again without pain. Thanks, Jackie."
"Dr. Jackie has done for me what conventional Western medicine could not -- lowered my 'essential' hypertension -- and is teaching me the tools to create and maintain my own health destiny."
~Bertha A.
"Jackie Bensinger embodies healing through all the work she does. I recommend her highly to all who need care."
~Bonnie Burns Price, Ph.D.
“I have been going to Vibrational Healing Arts for about four years now, and I have become addicted to the feeling of well-being I get from my visits. Jackie is not only truly gifted at the craft of healing but she is one of the most amazing spirits I know. Over the years she has helped me reduce stress, ease back pain, and lose weight. I am so glad that I walked through her door all those years ago.”
~Sharon T.
"The empathy and concern you give is just as important as the acupuncture service rendered to each of us."
~ Carlene M.
"Jackie Bensinger is the fourth acupuncturist who has treated me and she is the only one who has achieved long-lasting results. In 2002, one of my lumbar discs herniated and I suffered with back and leg pain for six months before undergoing back surgery. The surgery only alleviated about half of the pain, so I sought acupuncture treatments for further relief. Since that time I have been diagnosed with three bulging discs in my neck and two in my lower back, and also stenosis and osteoarthritis in my back. I am thrilled and thankful that I am not using a walker or cane, but instead am able to hike every day, drive, and enjoy life with a much reduced pain level.
This past weekend our family went to the Laguna Mountains and my 17-year-old grandson and 45-year-old son-in-law had difficulty keeping up with me when we climbed a mountain on a stormy day with hail pelting us. When we arrived on the mountain top, we looked out over the desert floor to the East, and at just that moment, the sun peeked through, the clouds briefly parted, and there was a double rainbow. That is how I feel about Jackie. She has tapped into my body's natural healing powers and the curtain of fog and pain has lifted so that I am able to enjoy the rainbows in my life. Thank you Jackie. With respect and appreciation."
"I always feel so refreshed, relaxed and healed after a session with Jackie. What a calming influence she has on our hectic lives!"
~ M.J.